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Une Société Savante de

Medecins Cardiologues

du Burundi

Car le coeur est un organe vital et son mise en péril influence le pronostic vital

Our people and society

We always put the

patients first

We always put the

patients first

Our people and society

Best Treatment for

healthy life

Conveniently drive go forward architectures with future-proof growth strategies. Energistically supply low-risk high-yield process improvements for mission-critical testing procedures commonly publishing industries

Our people and society

Best Treatment for

healthy life

Best Treatment for

healthy life

Our people and society

Best Medics, Doctors

and physicians

Conveniently drive go forward architectures with future-proof growth strategies. Energistically supply low-risk high-yield process improvements for mission-critical testing procedures commonly publishing industries

Our people and society

Best Medics, Doctors

and physicians

Best Medics, Doctors

and physicians

Pour une meilleure santé cardiovasculaire au Burundi

Nos activités

Soucieux de contribuer à relever les défis liés à la prévention, la prise en charge, la formation et la recherche sur des maladies cardiovasculaires au Burundi, les médecins cardiologues et leurs collègues qui partagent la même vision se sont regroupés en une société savante : la Société Burundaise de Cardiologie (SBC).

Medical Advices & Checkup

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Cardiovascular for Women’s

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Heart Checkup or Cardiovascular

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Laboratory & Pathology Drag

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Family Physician & Doctor

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Hematology and Super Cool

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

1K3A0633 scaled

Années d'expérience

Bonne santé cardiovasculaire

Dépistage et prise en charge précoce.

Contribution à la prévention et la prise en charge des maladies cardiovasculaires


Pour nous contacter 


En savoir plus


Years Of Experience

Incubate extensive scenarios without top-line quality vectors. Authoritatively engage


Experienced Doctor's

Incubate extensive scenarios without top-line quality vectors. Authoritatively engage


Happy Patients

Incubate extensive scenarios without top-line quality vectors. Authoritatively engage

Cas d'étude

Projets réalisés

Découvrez tous les projets que nous avons réalisé les dix dernières années.


Nos patients nous parlent

La SBC eest à l'écoute de la communauté qu'elle sert.

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Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources istinctively impact proactive human